Friday, January 20, 2017


“Can you pull in Leviathan with a fish hook 
 or tie down its tongue with a rope? ….
Who dares open the doors of its mouth, 
 ringed about with fearsome teeth?
 Its back has rows of shields tightly sealed together; 
 each is so close to the next that no air can pass between
. …….It makes the depths churn like a boiling caldron 
 and stirs up the sea like a pot of ointment. 
 It leaves a glistening wake behind it; 
 one would think the deep had white hair. 
 Nothing on earth is its equal—a creature without fear.
 It looks down on all that are haughty; 
 It is king over all that are proud.” 
                                                       ~Job 41~ New International Version (NIV) 


It was Dark! So dark that the only thing he could do was to remain in the posture which he assumed to be sitting upright. It was hard to move a muscle. Pain stung him like a hundred thousand clots of sharp needles knitting his flesh with each effort he made to stand up as he thought he was doing and as if millions of grounded Bhut jolokia was thrown over half burnt raw skin, the agony was terrible but only starting when he felt that something jagged and vicious had dabbed off a sinewy part of his helpless relenting body with no hesitation or struggle. His suffering was so intolerable that he knew he had thrown up. But he could not see himself because that darkness could only be defined as Black, pure Black. 

The eerie mournful cry of a woman that partly sounded like childish laughter pierced through his ears making him gasp for every breath caught in his nostrils. That sound was so hard to describe. It was inhuman. It had to be. So he thought, his mind trying to make sense of what was happening to him in the looming audible velocity

It did not ease as each mouthful of reeking air in pitch black darkness meant something was nearer than he thought. He felt a twist in his Gut forcing his mouth to taste every bitter acid escaping from the depths of his aching belly. Too much saliva kept his tongue stuck to the palate that the utterance from his parched lips just about choked out his lungs. More pain…and this time he knew it was his abdomen that was been torn part within fewer time gaps. 

Then there was a hissing, like that of a Serpent and as if his sickening torture was very unreal it scoffed in his ears and began to speak in whispers so clear into his mind that he now realized where he was. This was no Darkness. He was down in the Abyss ! the bottomless pit. He knew everything from beginning to the end as the serpent hissed every secret pouring it into his head. 

He struggled to speak.. but failed in the attempt.  Life flashed before his eyes.. his birth..his family.. all he had done… everything beautiful and loving. he saw his future ..all that was meant to be.. and then.. he saw what he had done.. he wanted to go back.. make amends..have a second chance..he cried.. he begged.. he choked.. 

The hissing stopped but then there was wickedness.

He heard.. “Dogs shall eat the your rotting flesh for eternity… drink from your selfish soul.. your pride deserves to burn in victory for me…. You fool.. you took your own life…does it get you to the other side where the Greater one reigns above me.. you are mine ! too late… I am Leviathan…I am Leviathan of Tartarus…” 

He closed his eyes to burn for eternity while dogs sank their knife edged teeth into his flesh. He could smell his own blood as he was fully conscious of the life in his helpless body of everlasting pain. 


(originally published as per SLST zone : 01:25 AM 01/21/17)

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

When you have a wide imagination and don’t know what to do with it, writing is the best medicine. They say creative people are lazy people, crazy people and sometimes dangerous people because their imagination can throw themselves overboard right down to the depths of purely unlimited freedom into the square root of madness adding to the mind an infinite number of fantasies that can stretch far beyond a myriad of whopping Galaxies. 

Write anything. Just about anything from poems to prayers to promises to lovers to dreamers and even Eros to Phileo to Agape to Storge or Chillers, Thrillers, Horrors , Ravens, Cthulhus to Jokers , Clowns , Rumpelstilzchen and Leprechauns to Alice in Wonderland and well..Maybe even Loony Tunes... 

Always begin at the doorstep, place your fingers right on the door knob and begin to turn it slowly, slowly now.. and there you go , in seconds a somewhat secluded yet delusional mind is flooding with words , sentences…paragraphs , it’s so fast that the fingers cannot process the speed of thinking and a pause to re think what was thought can make an idea vanish forever hidden in those left to right secret chambers of your magical lobe. 

Just as I am writing , now, the thoughts projecting in my head are at the speed of light that my fingers can hardly keep up or let alone my eyes to read what I am writing or even pause to think what I am thinking. Writing for creative people is the best way to kill boredom which is quite a hyperactive symptom. 

Studying the biographies of Fantasy writers such as Lewis Carroll to macabre writers such as Edgar Allan Poe and going on to Gothic writes such as H. P Lovecraft and modern Weird Horror post Apocalyptic writes such as Stephen King, it’s quite evident that writing anything did not begin with a sane person. The tensions of life mixed with a creative mind that boosted hysteria to a level above normal thinking, so much as to still wonder what was the beginning and the end of tales so vividly written , is much talked of even today . 

Don’t you still enjoy the story of “Alice in Wonderland” or chill at the sound of “The Murders in the Rue Morgue” & "The Call of Cthulhu" or scratch your head to think what just happened after reading or watching “The Secret Window”. 

Of course there are others. But this is just for starters! A little Mayhem till next time.. 

(originally published as per SLST zone : 12:44 AM on 01/19/17)